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Resort and Travel's 5 Star Award Winners
Northeast Florida

Search the  "Best of the Best"  as nobody wants "not so good".

Jacksonville  -  Daytona Beach  
Cocoa Beach - The Space Coast

The Top "5 Star Awards" in Every Major City

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5 Star Award Winners

Space Coast Cocoa Beach

View a Rocket Launch

The main objective of Resort and Travel Magazine is to make your mobile search for the best things to do in each city, like finding the best value restaurant, attraction, resort or hotel in that city, easy and convenient to find. Seach results not based on expensive as with most other ratings. Resort and Travel Magazine's results are based upon Value (fair prices) Quality (good food) and Service (makes you feel good). Our readers and our research come together to rank each 5 Star award winner so you can be sure to enjoy the "best of the best"  in cities as you travel or where you live.



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2017 - 2018


Search the "best of the best"

as nobody wants "not so good".

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