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Congratulations, your 2022 Five Star Award it will be active for one full year. You can request our 5 Star award image (above) artwork to use in your advertising and on your website. There is no cost as you deserve your award. Your business name will be listed on our awards pages and includes direct links to your website, but if you want more exposure for your business read on.

For a very low cost, as low as .26 cents per day with your Five Star discount we will add our Gold  promotions package to drive new customers and traffic to your business. What is just one new customer worth? As a Five Star business you are entitled to this special discount. No contract. We will prove to you its value driving real customers to your website or you can cancel anytime.

You can review your award bundle temporarily online so you can experience its full value before accepting this specially discounted offer. Directions to view your Award Page are listed below.

You also receive a state-of-the-art hosted mobile site, extensive marketing and promotion by Resort and Travel magazine. This powerful package is heavily discounted because you are a Five Star Award winner to as low as 26 cents per day. With your special discount of $533.00, your total cost can be just $97 a year which covers our basic cost to build and host what we believe is the most powerful mobile bundle to attract new customers to your business.


This is the lowest cost ever offered and brings your total cost to just 26 cents per day accept the one time annual payment button below. This added discount saves you another $200 and saves us monthly maintenance and billing fees.

This final discount price in only avaliable here and now.  

Plus Book Bonus 'Mobile Marketing for Business'

As a Five Star Award winner, your special discounts total $533.00 

Design Fee for your business Mobile Bundle        value      $270.00 included
One year hosting for your Five Star Award site    value      $120.00  included

One year SEO Marketing and Promotions           value       $240.00 included

                                                                                  Total       $630.00

Your Special Discount                                        -$533.00


Five Star Award one-year lowest cost      $97.00 total       


That equates to just .26 cents a day.

What is just one customer worth to your business during a full year?


 No Contract - Cancel Anytime Click your payment option below.


 Enter your info for billing security. 

.26 per day saves an additional $200.

Your STATE-OF-THE-ART MOBILE OPTIMIZED BUNDLE includes your Five Star Award listing, SEO business development for your business, your exclusive mobile site featuring "One-Touch" dialing, essential for mobile customer convenience.


Google interactive map with directions to your business. Direct links to your website. We host everything so there are no hosting charges and design and build fees are included saving you hundreds of dollars. Your mobile site is optimized for desktop and tablets in addition to our proven mobile design.


As a Five Star Award winner, your annual cost is $97 with your award discounts.


With this offer, you can choose monthly billling $24.75 or save $200 more with annual billing. There is no contract you can cancel anytime. We virtually guarantee new traffic even in your first month. 


Google fact: 70% of searches now come from mobile. In today's competitive world can you afford to ignore the importance of mobile marketing?


OUR "Get Results" 100% Happiness Guarantee.


We are 100% committed to you getting results for your business. If you are not happy. There is  NO CONTRACT and you can CANCEL ANYTIME.


In today's competitive world can you afford to ignore the importance of mobile marketing? I can assure you that your competition will not!



Even if you have a mobile site having another often tends to drive your position on Google and other search engines higher. The importance of reaching clientele with a mobile-friendly interface should not be overlooked.



 What is just one new customer worth to you during the year?


The true beauty of the program is, we build, host and maintain everything for you so you never have to worry about updates or unexpected additional costs!


 No Contract - Cancel Anytime Select your payment option below.


 Enter your info for billing security. 

.26 per day saves an additional $200.

To view, your business hosted award pages on mobile and/or desktops.

Click this link

Once there Select your REGION and then your CITY.


You will see your business listed, click to view. Please confirm all information is accurate. The layout is optimized for mobile on mobile and for desktops on desktops. If any corrections you wish to make once you review your pages just return to this page and click this link.


To get your award discounts and pay $97 for the full year or $24.75 monthly you must accept this offer from the buttons on this page ONLY.

.26 per day saves an additional $200.

As a Five Star Award winner, your special discounts total $533.00



Design Fee for your business Mobile Bundle $270.00

One year hosting for your Five Star Award site $120.00


One year SEO Marketing and Promotions $240.00 


Total $630.00

Your savings $533.00  


As a Five Star Award winner, your one-year total payment is just $97.00 total.


That equates to .26 cents per day! 

 No Contract - Cancel Anytime click your payment option above.


 Enter your info for billing security. 

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Copyright 2020 Resort and Travel CETV Network Inc.

© 2002 - 2024  CETV Network Inc. 

Home Office: Palm Beach, Florida | 561-667-1000 |

Note: Our Website and Mobile Design represents a significant investment and is protected by Copyright by 

CETV Network Inc. and Resort and Travel Magazine.

By using our website you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions of Use.

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