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Search the "best of the best" as nobody wants "not so good".​



 Your business listing hosted by Resort and Travel Magazine is mobile optimized and includes your business logo, valuable "one-touch dialing" essential on mobile! A  description and picture of your business with address location on Google interactive mobile maps with directions to your business. Plus a direct link button to any page you choose on your website. We also provide you with a link that you can give to customers, put in your adverting and on your website making it instantly mobile ready! 


 We make it simple and easy for you.  Your new mobile-optimized package will make your business effective on all mobile phones and devices. With this technology, you will have a mobile site and that is included at no additional charge. The true beauty of the program is, we build and host it all for you.  No need to hire or build a mobile site as you will have one of the most effective mobile sites available with the latest features. This will save you money plus we also maintain and update your page with no additional expense to you.


  We also invest substantial dollars to drive traffic to Resort and Travel which helps your business using social media and other effective online marketing at no additional cost to your business.This ensures traffic and customers to your business. Even if you have a mobile ready site having another can drive your position on Google higher. We also provide you with a direct link to your mobile-optimized site that you can give to current customers, put in your advertising, use to create a QR code, or put on your website making it instantly mobile ready!


  All the features in this package could cost you thousands of dollars to implement on your own and you still would not be getting the traffic from Resort and Travel Magazine.


  One of the most important values of this offer is... it vertically guarantees that you will have a substantial return in real customers for your marketing investment. If it does not you are able to leave at any time.


 We are experts. We will help you with mobile and social technology to increase your bottom line.


 We only want you to join us if you realize actual benefits. When it is right for your business, we are confident you will remain with us for many years.

For your protection and ours, we never collect or even see your credit card data. We use an independent merchant processor, 2Checkout one of the most secure in the world. They are committed to protecting your business from fraudulent activities. They use a three-tier defense strategy to identify fraudulent activity using statistical algorithms and data collection techniques to assess more than 300 variables in under 3 seconds to identify markers of fraud.

© 2002 - 2024  CETV Network Inc. 

Home Office: Palm Beach, Florida | 561-667-1000 |

Note: Our Website and Mobile Design represents a significant investment and is protected by Copyright by 

CETV Network Inc. and Resort and Travel Magazine.

By using our website you agree to our Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions of Use.

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