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Technology to increase your success! Slideshow 

on your 5 Star Award

Congratulations, on your Five Star Award. Now take advantage of our powerful mobile technology to promote your award to your customers and the growing mobile universe.


Our STATE-OF-THE-ART INTERACTIVE MOBILE OPTIMIZED PACKAGE will make your business effective on all mobile phones, computers, tablets, and wireless devices. Your interactive package includes your 5 Star Award, your business logo, a picture and description of your business, valuable "one touch dialing" ESSENTIAL on mobile!  Your address with Google interactive online map with directions to your business.


With our technology, you will also receive (hosted by us,) a powerful mobile site included at no additional cost. The true beauty of the program is, we build and host it all for you and in most cases less expensively than you can do it yourself. 


This will save you a substantial amount of money plus we also update and maintain your package at no maintenance cost to you!


With this limited time offer your total charges will be just $12 per month and we virtually guarantee new business even in the first month.


We are so confident in the power of our mobile technology we require NO CONTRACT and you can CANCEL ANYTIME.


We believe it is our obligation to prove our value to your business. So all the design costs to build and host your new interactive mobile optimized package is waved with your Five Star Award.


With your Five Star Award, our $270.00 design fee, and yearly hosting charges are all waived. If you continuously use our VIP Listing and SEO services your $12 rate will never increase.


Plus your annual hosting and maintenance charges will continue to be waived. With this offer, your total charges will be just $12 per month. No contract you can cancel anytime.


If you choose the one-time annual payment of $97 you will save an additional 33% or $47. This saves our monthly billing expenses and we pass those savings on to you. 


Even if you have a mobile ready site having another often tends to drive your position on Google and other search engines higher.


We invest substantial dollars driving traffic to our magazine using social media and other effective SEO tactics. This ensures traffic and customers to your business.


All the features in this package could cost you thousands of dollars to implement on your own and you still would not be getting the traffic from our magazine and search engine. The importance of reaching clientele with a mobile friendly interface should not be overlooked.


In today's competitive world can you afford to ignore the importance of mobile marketing? I can assure you that your competition will not! 

Join this revolution or lose to your competition.


Our SATISFACTION GUARANTEE -- if your customer target is not achieved with this program, you can leave at any time as there is no contract. You have nothing to lose and potentially could gain many new customers for your business.


 We make it simple and easy for you.  Your new state-of-the-art interactive mobile optimized package is built and hosted by us. Your cost $12 per month. 


What is just one new customer worth?

Resort and Travel magazine brings you, the best restaurants with 5 Star awards in your city and a modern mobile design for stunning interactive travel articles.


© 2002 - 2024  CETV Network Inc. 

Home Office: Palm Beach, Florida | 561-667-1000 |

Note: Our Website and Mobile Design represents a significant investment and is protected by Copyright by 

CETV Network Inc. and Resort and Travel Magazine.

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